We all are connected by collective consciousness and when we start raising our awareness by being present, our consciousness too raises. To begin, sit in a meditative position with your spine straight and your hands resting on your lap. Take a few moments to quiet the mind by observing your breath. You will find your breath is slower and shallower.
Now, visualize a white light emerging from your heart centre as it progressively expands and surrounds you. Now put a deep smile on your face and start loving and accepting yourself as it is. This most beautiful radiant healing light continues to expand – see its brightness increase filling the space around you. See yourself in a vast sea of light. Feel its healing and restorative warmth shining all around you.
Visualize that white radiant healing light filling your whole room and then slowly filling your home. Now start sending this loving and healing light out and see your loved ones get it. This light is flowing in your neighborhood and radiating healing to everyone living there. The radiant healing light is now progressively filling your street and your whole town healing everyone.
Now, this radiant healing light has covered your country and after that, the whole world is getting healed by it. Visualize love, healing and peace flowing with it and touching everyone in the world. Let warm healing light flow for some time. Take a couple of deep breaths and sit silently for a few minutes. When you are ready, open your eyes.